Tuesday, September 2, 2008

In Another Life

I am now fully convinced that in another life, perhaps with a different family heritage, I would be a thin person.

If you ask some of my friends, they will tell you I get a little weird when it comes to food. Just this past weekend, in fact, I was at a restaurant with a friend and he stared at me like I was crazy when I told him I would figure out how they made this butter if it was the last thing I did. I love tasting new things and trying to figure out the spices and/or herbs used.

Yes. I love food. I love cooking and baking food, I love eating and trying new foods. I come by it honestly. My mother is a fabulous cook. Her mother was superb. I can only imagine it goes back for generations. Although my father's specialty is pork chops and stewed potatoes with an occasional can of Ranch Style Beans (BLAH!) his mother was one of the best dessert cooks whose food I'd ever had the pleasure of tasting. Our family gathers around food. Perhaps that’s what makes it more special to me.

Some volunteers help us celebrate the 4th of July - Pig Roasting Time!

According to my friends my taste is diverse. For those of you that are like me - it's hard to find people who will venture further. (Okay, Janet is willing, Krista at least likes Greek, Nikki's getting better.) My best eating out friend is Andrew. And although I feel like our friendship is mostly held together by our love of Indian food, I'm okay with that. Still, you will find me testing the waters of my friend's appetites from time to time with a gentle suggestion that, a really good sushi place is right over there, or mmmmm Indian food sounds good doesn't it? If we get Lebanese you can watch the belly dancer...

Perhaps even more than eating good food (perhaps), I enjoy cooking good food. My family has labeled me the adventurous cook but I've held back even for them. Maybe it's the thought that Fall is officially three weeks away that has me thinking of baking, I don't know. Texas is hot until at least the end of September. Still, I'm about ready to dig out my Pumpkin Bread recipe. I also have some spicy Indian recipes that I've printed off and they are looking very tempting.

The Failes and I enjoy our varied cusine at a restaurant in Bolgatanga.

This post has absolutely NO purpose except that I love talking about food. Maybe it's even an invitation to say, if you love trying new things and would like to try, Indian, West African, Moroccan, or whatever kind of food let me know. We'll have a dinner party. Also if you have any great recipes that you love making in the Fall let me know. If you're looking for more specific ideas, my friend Kari has some fabulous ones on her blog http://jkmassonrecipes.blogspot.com/.

Yes, perhaps I’ll always struggle with those extra 30 pounds I’m quite sure the camera adds…but when I think of the alternative, of not enjoying food and friends, I can’t help but think it’s worth it.

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