Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Meanwhile: Nonsense...

So I know I posted this earlier on my facebook status but it really does bear revisiting.

Today was the TEA Party in Weatherford. For those of you who haven't a clue what's going on in American society...TEA stands for Taxed Enough Already...but I'm not here to blog about that and how effective it is or isn't...oh no...I'm talking WAY more serious than that...
The TEA Party march started at the First Monday Grounds and then came up south main and around by the square and across the street from my workplace. So what does any office do at 4:30 p.m. when you'd rather not be at work? That's right, you go outside...stand on the sidewalk and stare...
We watched people go by with flags and signs and all kinds of things...some people even brought their dogs...let the barks be heard loud and clear! No more taxes!! The government is stealing kibble from our mouths...(OKAY so they dogs didn't actually have signs or do any barking...but it's my story and I'll tell it like I want!)
Needless to say there were young and old and everyone in between. When all of the sudden, a bright red beacon gleaming from the middle of the masses's bright red...and the older gentleman wears it proudly...tucked into his dress pants...none other...than the great...


Seriously, this man had a Bob the Tomato (you know, from Veggie Tales) t-shirt on. Bob the tomato attended the TEA Party here in Weatherford...let's see YOU beat THAT!

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